Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to: compmodel15@tx.technion.ac.il before 15.5.2015, according to the following instructions. A one-page abstract of poster contribution must be submitted in electronic form. The submitted papers will be reviewed by topic and the authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by e-mail.
The author is required to provide the following information:
- Title of poster
- Presenting author data: postal address, phone, fax and e-mail
- Corresponding author data: postal address, phone, fax and e-mail (if different from above)
For your convenience, we strongly recommend that you use a properly formatted MS-Word template that you can download.
The detailed information on the proper format of the document is as follows:
- Paper Size: A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm)
- Margins
Top: 53.0 mm
Bottom: 53.0 mm
Sides: 42.9 mm - Title: Times 14pt, bold, capital letters, centered
(leave one line space) - Author(s): Times 10pt, centered below the title (underline name of presenting author)
- Affiliation(s): Times 10pt, italic, centered below the Author(s) including the postal address and e-mail address
(leave one line space) - Body Text: Times 10pt justified, single-spaced,
leaving no space between the paragraphs - Tables, Figures and References: following the style of ACS publishing.
- Photographs and Drawings: pasted directly into appropriate spaces inside the text
Abstracts will be reproduced as received and printed in black and white.